Monday, May 18, 2009

Damn this Man

April 7, 2007

Damn this man with his rode in his hand, a 5 foot pole, a 62 inch stick; a log, a limb, damn don’t trip. It goes and grows as far as one can look. The massive size, just grab a hold, find a way, get a grip, take a ride wait for the magic trick.
A sight to behold, a love all it’s own, straight up, stacked up, holding strong, getting deep, going long.
Damn that man and his extra hand, touching parts I never knew I had. Feeling my insides, stroking way too deep, finding the parts that make me moan and whine.
Adjusting to his pleasures, measuring his weary stride, holding tight to my real emotions, crying through my heart wanting for more. Needing of nothing. Knowing somehow this is wrong.
Damn this man.

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