Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Check out my new blog site as well...

two different places with two different meanings


do be warned that sites a tad risque


live love and lust


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Things Happen in Threes

They say things happen in 3s
March- Tuskegee Airman, William B. Ellis
June- Awesome {God Fearing} Man, Robert Tolan
and this August
Nana, Christine Green, Her favorite color was blue, she LOVED to bowl and she was excited to celebrate 90th Birthday this year...

she is the 3rd in my chain of extended family who made my life GREAT, you will all be missed...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So you have to forgive the fact that, I'm slow on some of the comment replies its been a great summer and hell of a year. I'd like to encourage you all to visit, iranturave.wordpress.com great post there... I will try to post some new poetry here. I love your words of encouragement anf the fact that I inspire your reactivity... I appreciate the love.... check out the new page layout...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Blog Spot

Hey I love your support... so follow my european adventures


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ode to the Worst

March 7, 2010

An Ode to the Worst

The worst I ever had/ like a gun with no bang/ Fourth of July with no fireworks/ you’re minus the snap crackle and the pop/ A flat soda no fizz/ a flame with no spark/ A blow pop without the gum/ a tootsie roll that never gets to the center/ You're a paddle with no stroke/ a motor boat with no gas/ In the end you’re an everlasting gobstopper that doesn't last/ You’re a parade with one float/ a balloon with no pop/ for all of the best there are surly some worst/ you’re the worst I’ve ever had/
You’re a dried up lake/ a sunken ship/ a flower that never bloomed/ you’re an un-built house/ a house that never became a home/
You’re a snow slope with no snow/ you’re a Benz sitting on bricks/ you’re a piano with no keys/ you’re a limited cell phone plan/
Surely you must understand you’re the worst I’ve ever had/
You’re a baseball game with no home runs/ a football game with no touch downs/ a basketball game with no slam dunk/ a hockey game no goals/ you’re the losing team/ a defeated player/ you’re the man down/ the lost battle/worse the lost war/
You’re a HOT ASS MESS/
I must confess you’re the worst I’ve ever had/
You’re a Batman with no Robin/ A Super man less the Super/ you’re the Green Lantern with a burnt out bulb/ the Incredible Hulk without much incredibility/
You are the underdog/ you’re Wiley Coyote in every episode/ you’re the Elmer Fudd of life/ you’re Pinky without the Brain
You’re the best of the worst/ ahead as the last/ you’re #1 if we start from the end/ you’re bringing up the rear/ face it you’re just an ass/
You’re a King none the less/ with no Kingdom/ no Crown and no Glory/
You truly are the worst I’ve ever had!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kinda Guy

He was a B-Ball guy
A six foot tall guy
A player type guy
A well, alright guy
The kinda guy
who had me climbing the walls, guy
He was a fall guy, for the right guy
A one night stand guy,
a kiss don’t tell guy
A someone else’s guy, kinda guy
Who had me crying all night guy
A pick yourself up,
there will be other guys, kinda guy
He was a nice guy
A damn fine guy
A better than ok guy
A kiss tell all your friends kinda guy
A smile at the thought of him kinda guy
A sit on his face, kinda, um yeah guy
A what the hell, messing with your friend,
kinda, kick theirs asses kinda,
stab her kinda, kill him kinda,
in my damn bed, kinda guy
A never get over this kinda guy
He was the rebound guy
A good boy kinda guy
A sweet heart of a guy
A mama’s boy guy
A hold hands in the park,
sweet kisses in the dark kinda guy
A make out guy
An ask permission ‘for he feels you up,
kinda guy
An, I need more kinda guy
But this one he was a passionate
kinda guy
The lover guy
The public displays of affections
kinda guy
The deep long kisses kinda guy
The make love standing in the shower
kinda guy
The hold and cuddle kinda guy
The make him the one kinda guy
The can’t commit kinda guy
The one who leaves
in the middle of the night kinda guy
The lost without his love kinda guy
Now the right kinda guy
Sorta sweet, kinda, bad type of guy
The take care if you right, kinda guy
The displays his affections kinda guy
The show you off kinda guy
Meet his mom kinda guy
Hold your hand, held me tight,
make love all night,
kinda, relax in his arms,
release my tensions kinda guy
He’s a make you smile
throughout the day,
kinda guy
Fall in to his warmth,
wrap his arms around your waist,
kiss the nap of your neck,
smell the scent of your hair,
draw circles on your inner thigh,
whisper in your ear,
smile at the sight of you,
listen intensely to what you have to say,
kinda, wow what a man, no surprises,
he’s all mine kinda guy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

i need to be thankful for

my 2 legs/ wrapped in nylons, fishnets/ pattern designs/ crocheted stockings that accentuate the thickness of my big legs and soft smooth thighs/ that can glide across a room on feet wrapped in stilettos/ dancing to a beat caused by the friction and heat hidden in-between my limbs/ moves to music u can't hear but sweeps you off your feet.

2 arms/that embrace you and hold you through the night/ that long to be entangled within you/ fighting to never be let go/ wanting to just let u know they believe and trust in you

10 fingers/ manicured and kept right, that scratch lines into your back wee into the morning and late/ late at night/ these fingers that desire to be sucked and kissed that want to be intwined in yours/ and wait/ itch for you to wrap them/ it in a jewel

10 toes/ that flirt with the earth/ play in the grass/ splash through the ocean/ aint afraid to kick ass/ these toes are in themselves a pedicured jewel/ they long to be dressed in shoes that cater to my calves/ elongate my legs/ and show off my ass

my beautiful smile/that is often a magnet on its on/ its contagious like my laugh/ that is often a burst of sun light on a darkened day/ the way my lips bend my tongue curls/ parted slightly/ puckered slowly/ urning to be kissed by your full lips/ leaves me smiling in my sleeps with thoughts of you

a cute lil nose/ that begs to nuzzle close to you/ get eskimo kisses/ take in the smells of u/ ur must/ your musk/ the scent of your colonge

my eyes that see/ that shine when your present/ that gaze upon you in awe at the man you are/ these eyes see the worlds imperfections but in you see what can be right and good/ accept you for what you are and makes no excuses for what you are yet not/ nor what you will never be

my ears that hear/as you whisper in them/that want to hear the words 'i love u'/as u tell me things real and fantasy as you share secrets and stories/ things you say late at night as we lay side by side/ skin to skin/ the baritone of your voice lulls me to sleep

my mouth that speaks volumes/ that will tell you the sweetest of things/ that will whisper to you mid day of things later to come/ but a voice that speaks out/ shouts/ screams/ yells for understanding equality/ whats right/ what i want from u

a head full of brains/that challenges the man you are/ improves and pushes the man you want to be/ a woman who knows she can do it alone but rather we do it together cuz a business works better with a partner

my womanly touches/ my hips and my ass/ my heart shaped lips/ my breast/ my walk, its switch/ the way when compiled together they create their own heart beat/ their own sound

and the place where my treasures lie/ the place you want to slide and glide into so deep until i cry and moan with sounds of your victory/ the place my orgasm stays silent and hidden until you shake and move her up/ out through my belly/ past my rapid heart/ into my vocal cords/ out strong/ long/ in a whimper/a wail/ a cry/ a moan/ the calling of your name/ a shimmy/ shake/ shiver/ jolt/ where u feast for hours at a time/sucking/ slurping/ enjoying my sweetness/ my nectar/ my juices until i bust with pleasantries

for these things, yes i am thankful/ more so i am blessed